Market Cap: $ 3,330,477,098,376.00  |  -0.08 %
24h Vol: $ 172,658,389,084.00


After registration, you do not have a public profile. Please go to "my account" where you will be able to create a profile, else it's not in the list of users.

Public profile: Go to "My Account" -> "Add Listing" to have a public profile.

You can add any content you like with affiliate links or similar for free. Read the conditions

How to add something

  • Register

  • Check the top menu bar. If you are able to add a listing, an "Add Mainboard" or similar link will be available to add your product.

Conditions overview:

We follow a simple policy called: "Don't be an idiot"
We use fairness, humanity and common sense to manage this site, its content and its users. And you should too.


Short posting guidelines:

  • FIRST, check to not post duplicated Items/Products.
  • Post quality content and reviews
  • Affiliate, donation or any other monetizing links are only allowed where explicitly stated
  • Spammers/Scammers and any of their content/reviews are immediately removed
  • Disrespecting other users or this policy will lead to a ban or removal
  • Reviews should at least have some meaningful statements
  • Check Category. If it's called Wallet post a Wallet nothing else. Posts to the wrong category are removed.
  • Anything not related in some way to cryptocurrency and its technology is not accepted


Publishing Items

Registered users are free to publish content where ever there is a possibility given by the site. Anything that you would like to publish that is not open at the moment and you think you are the owner or should be able to publish, feel free to send us an email. Or use the claim function.

Some published Items may need approval from the admin to get posted. Please be patient and wait for approval.

As for the long-living existence of the site, the content posted will belong to us. As you may edit, change or use your content forever, if not violating any terms, we must assure that created content stays on the site. We prevent content from being deleted.

Check the Category you are trying to post to. If it is called "Company" post a company, nothing else. Wrong category posts are deleted because they often can't be moved.


Content/Review QA

We deserve the right to delete/disable any content or review that we think is not appropriate. Too short, single words/phrases, bad styling/layout can be considered as not acceptable too. If the content can be adjusted we will inform you and not delete it right away.

Just turn on your brain before posting crap!

Users will be banned/removed when violating policies in a rude way or in a continuous way.

We want to assure the good quality of our content.


Posted Content Copyright

Do not post any content that is not created by yourself. This includes text, images, documents and videos or any other postable content.

Users will be banned/removed when posting copyrighted material. Product Images may be used from Amazon as we are affiliates or you may be too.


Check if there is already an existing duplicate of the item to be published before posting.

Only the first author of the item will be published. Any other duplicate will be removed.

Constantly posting duplicate articles/items will lead to a ban or removal.



You may post links in reviews or any other place, as long as they contribute to the content, are helpful and useful.

Use your brains when adding links.

Hidden/obfuscated Affiliate links will lead to an immediate ban. There are enough allowed possibilities for that.


Affiliate Links

Affiliate links are allowed wherever it is stated. The available fields are marked so.

For most products, it's possible to add multiple links to the product or a website.

Not allowed are they in the following locations:

In any review posted, that does not explicitly allow it
In the content/description/short description of any item posted.

Constantly posting affiliate links in not allowed places will lead to a ban or removal.

At the moment your links are valid and stay for at least 2 Years after posting, then they may be reviewed if still active or removed or suggested to you to renew them.


Reviews / Discussions

Things like "shitcoin" or other stupid reviews and comments may just be removed or when doing this over and over, the user may be removed. Everyone can post opinions, but useless stupid reviews do not help anyone and don't seem to be your best shot either.

Featured Profiles

Known personalities may be given the visible "featured" profile status. Also, any great contributor or a highly-rated user may get that title.


Donation Links

In your profile you have the possibility to add as many donation links as you like. Also, use some sense here...

This is the ONLY place where donation links are allowed and in any other place, it will lead to a ban or removal of the user.

In your profile overview, all those links are visible.

Make sure you enter the right information on your donation links, we are not responsible for any failed donation.


Feel free to send us any suggestions regarding the site, new features, bad UI, problems or anything you think is useful for us. We will appreciate that!

We may publish an upcoming feature list later on, from our and your suggestions we are going to add.


ICOs / Airdrops / Dapps promotion

Categories to add post any airdrops / dapps / Icos may follow. Until then, everything related to those types of listings or similar sites/projects that exist for a short time period only will be removed right away.


Games Category

We don't want a list of shitty dapps and ponzis where the lifetime is maybe some days to a month. Neither casinos or gambling sites. Most of these sites are illegal schemes, Ponzi or things that just have the purpose to put money into the creator's pocket.

Only post real games, things that are running for some time and can be called a "real" game.



ANY spamming in any way, of any kind, in any location will lead to an immediate ban/removal!

No need to further explain, you know when you are spamming.

Any reported try to actively scam people in messages, pm, content or any other way is reported to authorities whenever possible.


As there is no rule who can publish what, with some acceptance, a listing may exist posted by someone else. If you are the owner for example of that website, company or product and would like to create the description and the content by yourself, you can directly claim a listing by pressing the claim button. Your claim will be reviewed and processed. You will receive a response on your claim.



Feel free to report or use the reporting button on any content that you think is not appropriate.


Market Data / Methodology

Any data representing markets or prices are not to be taken for granted. As most of this data is updated in about every couple minutes and comes from various sources within an automatic process there is a possibility of failure or inaccurate data. We heavily rely on data coming from Thank you for the great API.

This site or any users publishing do not give any financial advice in any way. This site is for informational purposes only.


This site or any users publishing do not give any financial advice in any way. This site is for informational purposes only.

Cake Defi liquidity



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